Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Beauty of Ecuador

Exactly 7 whole days before I leave!!

The past three months have been a bit crazy and I can not wait till my feet hit the beautiful land of Ecuador once again. Today was the first day I said "see you soon" and my throat became a bit verklempt. Every morning I go to this amazing little coffee shope and chat with the girls about life and the quirks that go with it... Today Beth came to the car and we gave hugs goodbye. It meant a lot to me. So today the tears begin.

This will be my second time away from all my friends and family for such an extended period of time. The first was when I was 16 and went to High School in Israel. Now it is a bit different as my life is filled with responsibilities...... ahhhhhhhhhhh responsibilities! LOL. So much to take care of... the house, cats, bills, editing, clients, last minute shoots and a list that was as long as my leg.... WHOA!

I wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful support I have received and all the love that surrounds me. I truly am blessed.

Here are a few pics from my last trip to the Galapagos. Please feel free to leave me comments and say hello when I am 600 miles off of the coast of Ecuador!!